Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bible Studies and Moms Groups

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) - Wednesdays 9:10-11:00am - First Presbyterian Church on Taft (break during the summer). http://www.bsfinternational.org/. Children's Programs (free) available for ages 2-5.  Starting in the Fall of 2010, they will be studying Isaiah and there will be children's programs for INFANTs through the age of 5!

MOMs at Grace - Thursdays 10-11:30am at Grace Church (break during the summer). http://www.gracechurch.com/. Childcare (free) is available.

MOMS Connected - Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 at First Baptist. First Meeting for the Fall Semester will be Wed, Sept 9, 2009. Studying The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary & Ross Chapman. Preschool Childcare is available for $2 per child.  http://www.fbcwf.org/

Wichita Falls Moms Club - http://www.wichitafallsmomsclub.webs.com/

Wichita Falls Moms - To join the group, go to their yahoo group website and introduce yourself - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WichitaFallsMoms/.  They have weekly playdates and activities.


  1. Hi! I am a moderator of the Wichita Falls Moms group. We try to get together weekly for a playdate. This week, we had a canning party/playdate where the kids played while we made blackberry jam. Last week, we went to the Iowa Park Spray Park. I would love it if you could help us get the word out! Here is the link to our Yahoo group:



  2. Hi there! I will be moving to the Wichita Falls area very soon. We are going to be brand new to the area. I was wondering if anyone knew of another mother or other Christian, reliable caring source that can help me with my children some Saturdays and Sundays while I work. We just need an extra hand in general while finances are tight and in the time for me to find a nice daycare. Any help would be great and much appreciated! :) Thank you.

    God Bless,
