Friday, August 7, 2009

1-2-3 Magic

For Military Families: This is a 4 hour workshop divided into 2 sessions offered on Saturday, September 19 & 26 from 0930-1130, AND/OR Tuesday, September 22 & 29 from 1730-1930, at the Airman & Family Readiness Center. Please call Robbie Monaghan at the A&FRC (940-676-3292) to register.
It's not easy being a parent. You want kids who listen and children you can enjoy. You want to raise happy and competent youngsters, but you don't have a lot of free time to read discipline and parenting books. You also don't need advice that requires you to be a saint, genius or professional psychologist.

Dr. Thomas W. Phelan and his extremely popular 1-2-3 Magic program, addresses the difficult task of child discipline with humor, keen insight and proven experience. Dr. Phelan simplifies the job of parenting in three
straightforward steps:

Step 1: Controlling Obnoxious Behavior: Learn an amazingly simple technique to get the kids to STOP doing what you don't want them to do (whining, arguing, tantrums, sibling rivalry, etc.).

Step 2: Encouraging Good Behavior: Learn several effective methods to get your kids to START doing what you do want them to do (cleaning rooms, picking up, going to bed, homework, etc.).

Step 3: Strengthening Your Relationship: Learn four powerful techniques that reinforce the bond between you and your children.

The award winning, best selling 1-2-3 Magic program has sold over one million copies, and is presented in seminars and workshops across the country.

It provides easy-to-follow steps for disciplining children without yelling, arguing, or spanking.

The DVD's feature Dr. Phelan's entertaining seminar presentation and real-life family vignettes that help to reinforce the concepts.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know about the Wichita Falls MOMS Club? Here is the link
    We are looking for new members.
